Wishing all our volunteers and friends a peaceful holiday season and a new year filled with joy and discovery. Thank you for being a part of the Quantu Project, and advancing brain health with us.
A few updates:
As we enter the winter solstice, Quantu Project Team members Erin Pollet and Dr. Amina Ann Qutub curated six quick tips to get through this winter with better sleep and exercise.
We're looking forward to starting the exercise intervention in January! Thank you to Quantu Project manager Jenny Brethen for coordinating the study and to everyone who signed up. Interested volunteers are asked to walk 30% more steps than their current daily average and/or participate in free virtual exercise classes.
Thank you also for the brave individuals who took the Python programming course! The goals of our intervention studies are to characterize how behaviors help (or hinder) our cognitive health and whether behaviors change markers of neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons) for individuals.
We hope to see you at a new workshop in the coming year too. The last two workshops were recorded and made accessible online: All in a Good Night's Sleep - Associations with Cognition and Incidence of Dementia (Dr. Mitzi Gonzales, UT-Health) and The Science Behind Brain-Healthy Habits (Updates from the Quantu Project Team).