Thank you to everyone who participated in our Quantu Project virtual workshops this summer! You can check out videos posted from our 3rd and 4th Quantu Project Workshops below. Just click on the presentation titles to link to the workshop page and online videos.
4th Quantu Project Workshop
Presentations by Quantu Project Team Members & UTSA-UT-Health Biomedical Engineers Dr. Amina Ann Qutub, Dr. Byron Long, Erin Pollet, Zach Maloney and Quantu Project Manager Jenny Brethen
Topics: Background on how daily activities affect brain health at the cellular level, updates on the Quantu Project research into sleep and neurogenesis, and opportunities for volunteers to sign up for brain health intervention studies.
3rd Quantu Project Workshop
Seminar by UT-Health & Biggs Institute Neuropsychologist Dr. Mitzi Gonzales
Topics: A seminar on the latest research into the role of sleep in cognitive health and an introduction to collaborative projects on tracking sleep disorders in Parkinson's patients.
